lundi 26 octobre 2009

Modeling Car Rim in Rhino 3d

This tutorial will show you how to model car rim. This is a beginner mag wheel tutorial, time required for finishing is about an hour. To start with, make a curve like this.

Step 1

Then offset by 0.5 units and cut like shown in the picture.

Step 2

Array the curves in five pieces in 360 degrees. Blend the two curves like shown in the picture.

Step 3

Adjust the end bulge to make it rounder, adjust the points like shown in the pic.

Step 4

Join everything, and make a curve like this.

Step 5

Offset that curve and trim it with the vertical line.

Step 6

You will need another curve

Step 7

Blend the two curves and join them.

Step 8

Revolve the curves.

Step 9

Then trim the two surfaces with the previously made curves.

Step 10

Blend the upper and lower surfaces with same height shapes option turned on, and you should get something like this.

Step 11

Now you will have to make the outer rim, and for that make a curve like this and revolve it.

Step 12

For the lower spokes you will need a curve like this.

Step 13

Then offset it by 0.5 units and join it like this and revolve it.

Step 14

Now you will need one of the earlier curves witch you will offset by 0.5 units and arrayed in five pieces in 360 degrees

Step 15

Explode the surface and trim it with the curves made in the previous step, but do not trim the outer surface.

Step 16

Then blend the upper and the lower surface, and trim the extras with the surface you didn't trim. (If it doesn't work make a circle of the same diameter and use that to trim the excess surface) Then join the surfaces, and with that surface trim the circular surface and the join everything. I usually make holes in that surface I will leave it for you to choose the pattern witch you just trim in that surface and blend the upper and the lower edge.

Step 17

For the screws that hold the rim you will need a circle.

Step 18

Wich you extrude.

Step 19

Array that surface in five pieces in 360 degrees and use that surface to trim the larger surface. And use the larger surface to trim the extruded surface.

Step 20

For the screw you will need a curve like this witch you will revolve

Step 21

Then you will need a rectangle (polygon command) witch you will have to extrude.

Step 22

Then you will need two curves for the upper part of the screw, trim and join them together to make one curve, and then revolve it. Trim the excess edges and use the fillet edge command.

Step 23

You should have a screw like this.

Step 24

Place it in the wheel and array it in five pieces in 360 degrees.

Step 25

Now you will have to join the spokes and the rim. For that extract the surface shown in the picture and trim the overlaps. Join everything.

Step 26

Then join the rest of the surfaces and then you should have a single piece mag wheel. Then you should make the valve, for witch you will need a curve like this, (the snap needs to be 0.03125 to make it) then just revolve it.

Step 27

Orient the valve on the wheel ac you like it (I put it between two spokes). Trim the surface around the valve with the intersecting surface and join it. Fillet the edge with 0.125 units and that is all concerning the valve.

Step 28

For the logo you will need a circle and trim the upper surface with that curve.

Step 29

You will need a curve like this.

Step 30

Revolve that curve. The given surface should be placed a little above the surrounding surface. Blend the two surfaces.

Step 31

Now you need to make a surface (you can use the edge of the revolved surface and use surface from curve network). The logo should go under the revolved surface witch should be transparent in the final render.

Step 32

All you need to do now is to join everything together and that is the end.

We're done!


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