At this Maya tutorial of we will learn how modeling chess pawn for knight applies polygon. For this tutorial we will apply extrude, add edges by using “cut faces tool” or “split polygon tool” or if you applies Maya 7 or letter, you can apply “insert edge loop tool”. I don’t have picture for chess knight, hopefully picture wireframe hereunder can become reference picture for you. This is end result from modeling chess pawn - knight.
We will start this modeling from underside. Create polygon cylinder with subdivisions axis 20.
Select upper faces of cylinder polygon. Then extrude until like picture hereunder. I suggest you to follow picture reference in first picture.
After completed forms cylinder polygon like above picture. We must correct top of cylinder this polygon. Delete of all edges on the top and applies “split polygon tool” to make new edges that like picture hereunder (after). After completed you can delete half from cylinder polygon then mirror cylinder polygon that same left side and right side.
Now sees from side view. Do a few repairs on the top. To make part of head select faces like picture hereunder.
Extrude faces until like picture hereunder.
Then, adds edges at part of head and tweak vertexes for part of eye. Select faces at part of eye then extrude.
Keep select faces at part of eye then extrude again until like picture hereunder.
For part of ear, applies “split polygon tool” to add edge. Now previous face has four sides now becomes three sides. Then select face (sees picture below step 1) and extrude until is in the form of ear.
For part of nose, select face and extrude 2 times.
In underside of chess you can add loop edges by using “cut faces tool” or “insert edge loop tool”. This thing is done that be undercarriage of chess is more flat.
This is result from modeling chess pawn - knight.
And this is result of render by using mental ray.
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